Safe Environment

The Discalced Carmelite Friars’ Commitment

The Discalced Carmelite Friars of the Oklahoma Semi-Province are dedicated to preventing sexual abuse. Such prevention begins with education and training, both in initial and on-going formation.

Our Policy and Code of Conduct, while not exhaustive, focus on the effort to live Christ-like behavior in the realm of chastity and the need to promote environments safe for those whom we serve.

We pledge our cooperation with civil authorities. All allegations of sexual abuse of a minor will be reported immediately to appropriate government agencies.

If you need to report an incident of abuse, we encourage you to contact our Survivor Assistance Coordinator, Fr. Ralph Reyes, OCD, at

See our policies and guidelines here.


The Semi-Province of St. Thérèse of the Discalced Carmelite Friars has been certified as Praesidium Accredited™. Praesidium is a leading abuse risk management group and the accrediting body for Catholic religious orders and congregations in the United States.

Praesidium has independently verified that we meet the 2022 Edition of their Standards for Accreditation. Praesidium specialists have thoroughly reviewed our policies, conducted site visits, interviewed members of the Province, including those in formation and their directors, Provincial leadership, and members of our Review Board.

Our current accreditation will remain in effect for five years (2023-2028). During this time we will continue to uphold the standards of Accreditation.